Conferences and courses


(please note this is a past event)

"Inspiring innovation in cancer care"

Join us on Tuesday 4th October from 2pm to 4.30pm for an online event open to all staff working in cancer services in Scotland. Nigel Packham, Associate Director Safety NASA is opening the event with a keynote talk on innovation and safety. 
Please see event flyer with registration link attached. 

Follow the link to register now:

Please contact Ray Syed with any queries at

On behalf of the WOS Innovation Hub,
Dr Ioanna Nixon, Consultant Oncologist and Cancer Innovation Lead

Online Courses

Professional Education courses provide staff with the opportunity to learn key skills required when working within the E-Grandround. 

These online discussions are available to all participants registered to e-ESO Online Educational Resources. Registration is free at

e-Grandrounds are CME accredited and participants can ask questions during the live session!

The next live sessions are available from

We would like to remind you that as well as the weekly e-Grandrounds you can also view e-Oncoreviews on the 1st Tuesday of each month (18.15 - 19.00 CEST).
We hope that you will enjoy these services and active participation

Please note that past sessions are still available to view online

The Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Centre Registered Nurse Induction


The aim of the Nurse Induction Programme is to provide participants with a basic introduction to local practices, treatment issues and services within the BWoSCC.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of the course, each participant will be able to enable nurses to increase their knowledge and understanding of cancer issues and help then to influence the quality of patient care delivered and be able to communicate with colleagues, patients and relatives in an informed manner.

  • Describe a cancer patient journey through disease and treatment trajectory
  • Have an awareness of clinical complications that are associated with anti-cancer therapies
  • Discuss the clinical management of patients who present with neutropenic sepsis in accordance with the BWoSCC neutropenic guidelines
  • Identify and discuss patients who are at risk of oral problems as a result of their disease or cancer therapy
  • Describe how the oral cavity should be assessed in accordance with local guidelines
  • Discuss the preventative and active clinical management of a patient who is at risk of or who may present with oral toxicities of cancer therapy in accordance with oral guidelines
  • Identify the issues in giving information and support to patients and relatives
  • Identify sources of support and information out-with the BWoSCC
  • Develop an understanding of their role within current quality improvement and safety programme.
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