BWoSCC Creative Arts Project - Macmillan Day Bed Unit Wall Art Gallery
April 27, 2022 9:24 AM

Our creative arts project commenced just prior to the onset of the Covid pandemic. Whilst it has been challenging, we have sought out different strategies to ensure our work continues, and to bring awareness of our project to patients, staff and the general public. Our gallery was recently shared in the social media to acknowledge World Art Day (15th April).
Here is what people had to say about our creative arts gallery in celebration of World Art Day 2022:
- “It’s a nice distraction before treatment- something pleasant to focus on”
- “The gallery is a positive, creative idea- I like it!
- “It brightens up a bland space and displays the creativity of patients -it shows they are not ‘just’ cancer victims, they are also people with talents and personalities”
- “Uplifting- good that people love sharing their artistic inspiration”
- “The art you have displayed was brilliant and brightened my day- thanks”
How can I show my support?
With help from Macmillan Cancer Support, our aim is to extend our current wall gallery to all other public waiting areas in the cancer centre. To achieve this, we require many more creative art works therefore we are seeking your support.
If you, your family members or friends would like to create a drawing, painting, craft work (suitable for wall hanging) or write a poem, we would love to hear from you all.
As you will see from our brochure all you need to take part is a desire to portray how you feel about your visit, care or treatment at the cancer centre using arts and crafts. You do not need to possess any specific level of talent as all skills and artistic ability is welcomed.
If you are interested in contributing, download and print this information sheet for further details, or ask our friendly reception staff in the Macmillan Day Unit for a paper copy next time you visit.
We look forward to hearing from you