
Urological cancers, include cancers which occur in the following sites:

  • Kidney
  • Bladder
  • Prostate
  • Urethra
  • Testes
  • Penis
  • Ureter

Prostate Cancer is the most common cancer in men. Testicular cancer is the most common type in men under 40.

How will the cancer be treated?

Treatment is dependent on the individual tumour site and the patient’s circumstances. Treatment for each individual is usually discussed at a multi-disciplinary team meeting where a treatment plan is agreed.

For prostate cancer, early disease can be managed by active surveillance, radical prostatectomy (removal of the prostate), brachytherapy (seed implant), hormone treatment and conformal radiotherapy. For patients whose disease has spread outwith the prostate; hormone treatment, various forms of radiotherapy, radioisotope treatment and chemotherapy are all considered.

For bladder cancer, local tumour resection (removal of the tumour), cystectomy (removal of the bladder), radical radiotherapy, and chemotherapy are all used.

For testicular cancer, the mainstays of treatment are surgery and chemotherapy. Radiotherapy is used to treat patients with early testicular seminoma.

For kidney tumours, surgery and various drugs called biological response modifiers (e.g. Interferon) are the mainstays of treatment with radiotherapy occasionally required for bone secondaries.

New treatments are becoming available at regular intervals, and substantial research work is being carried out on national and international levels. The Beatson has an extensive portfolio of current clinical trials for urology cancers.

Who'll be involved in my care?

A specialist multi-disciplinary team works closely together to treat patients with urological cancers. The team is involved with the Managed Clinical Network for Urological Cancers in the West of Scotland. The aim of this group is to define optimum standards of health care for people in this area.

The team includes:


Doctors who specialise in treating genito-urinary problems.

Clinical Oncologists

Doctors specialising in the treatment of cancer involving radiotherapy.

Medical Oncologists

Doctors specialising in the treatment of cancer involving drug treatments.


Clinical Nurse Specialists (CNS)

Research Nurses

Therapy Radiographers

Therapy radiographers are responsible for giving the actual radiotherapy and will also provide advice and direct patients to other support agencies as required.


Plan radiotherapy treatments.


Chemotherapy nurses

Chemotherapy nurses give the chemotherapy in the Macmillan Day Case Unit and in the wards. They will give advice regarding this aspect of treatment.

Uro-Oncology Clinical Nurse Specialist

The Uro-Oncology Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) works closely with the medical staff and other members of the team providing a liaison role between the patients and the Centre. The CNS also liaises with staff at urology units in other hospitals, which have their own urology clinical nurse specialists. They provide information, advice and support to patients undergoing treatment.

Out-patient Nursing Staff

You will meet many different members of our nursing staff during your appointments to clinic. They work closely with your doctor and help prepare you for any examinations or tests you may have. They can offer advice, care and treatment on many problems associated with treatment such as radiotherapy skin reactions, open wounds and infections.


Our pharmacies specialise in cancer drug treatment and support our medical and nursing staff in all aspects of chemotherapy and drug prescription. They can offer advice on any questions or concerns about your medications or chemotherapy and any effects they may have.

Where will I be treated?

We provide a service throughout the West of Scotland and specialist clinics for testicular and renal cancers are held in the Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Centre. 

We hold outpatient clinics in the following locations:

Ayrshire & Arran


  • Dr Hilary Glen
  • Dr Nicholas MacLeod

Specialist Nursing Team

  • Jillian Dawson
  • Brian McGlynn
  • Lillian White

Beatson West of Scotland Regional Renal Cancer Team


  • Dr Rob Jones
  • Dr Sarah Slater
  • Dr Balaji Venugopal
  • Dr Manreet Randhawa

Specialist Nursing Team

  • Nicola Thomson
  • Marie Pringle

Beatson West of Scotland Germ Cell Team


  • Dr Ashita Waterston

Specialist Nursing Team

  • Nicola Thomson
  • Marie Pringle
  • Julie Cain

Forth Valley


  • Dr Stephen McKay
  • Dr Martin Russell
  • Dr Norma Sidek

Specialist Nursing Team

  • Maureen Hamill 
  • Margaret Anne Paterson
  • Linda Mundie
  • Carol Black
  • Julia Scott

GGC Urology Team


  • Dr Abdulla Alhasso
  • Dr David Dodds
  • Dr Rob Jones
  • Dr Ashleigh Kerr
  • Dr Carolynn Lamb
  • Dr Maria Martinez
  • Dr Azmat Sadozye
  • Dr Norma Sidek
  • Dr Jan Wallace
  • Dr Balaji Venugopal

Specialist Nursing Team

  • Fiona Birrell 
  • Mhairi Thomson
  • Jo Rodgers
  • Laura Blair
  • Elizabeth Newman



  • Dr David Dodds
  • Dr Maria Martinez

Specialist Nursing Team

  • Jo Rodgers
  • Julie King

Meet the team

Dr Nicholas MacLeod Dr Nicholas MacLeod
Dr Norma Sidek Dr Norma Sidek
Dr Maria Martinez Dr Maria Martinez
Dr Abdulla Alhasso Dr Abdulla Alhasso
Dr Ashita Waterston Dr Ashita Waterston
Dr Balaji Venugopal Dr Balaji Venugopal
Dr Sarah Slater Dr Sarah Slater
Dr Rob Jones Dr Rob Jones
Dr Manreet Randhawa Dr Manreet Randhawa
Dr Hilary Glen Dr Hilary Glen
Dr Stephen McKay Dr Stephen McKay
Dr Carolynn Lamb Dr Carolynn Lamb
Dr Azmat Sadozye Dr Azmat Sadozye
Dr Ashleigh Kerr Dr Ashleigh Kerr
Dr Helena Belikova Dr Helena Belikova
Clinical Nurse Specialists
Fiona Birrell Fiona Birrell
Mhairi Thomson Mhairi Thomson
Laura Blair Laura Blair
Marie Pringle Marie Pringle
Julie Cain Julie Cain
Elizabeth Norman Elizabeth Norman
Nicola Thomson Nicola Thomson

For further information

More general information regarding urology cancers and treatments can be found by visiting the following

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