
At the Beatson, we work alongside charity organisations, to help provide the best advice and support available.

Below, you'll find both cancer specific support and more general support.

Beatson Cancer Charity

Beatson Cancer Charity supports people affected by cancer, every step of the way. We make the journey easier by transforming the way cancer care is funded and delivered. We provide services, as well as funding specialists, research and education to invest in a better future for cancer patients and their families.

Bowel Cancer Support

Beating Bowel Cancer

Beating Bowel Cancer is a leading UK charity for bowel cancer patients, working to raise awareness of symptoms, promote early diagnosis and encourage open access to treatment choice for those affected by bowel cancer.

Bowel Cancer UK

Bowel cancer Support are the UK's leading bowel cancer charity. They're determined to save lives and improve the quality of life of everyone affected by bowel cancer. They support and fund targeted research, provide expert information and support to patients and their families, educate the public and professionals about the disease and campaign for early diagnosis and access to best treatment and care.

Brain Tumour Support

Brain Tumour Buddies

BT Buddies is a non-medical resource - launched in March 2009 to coincide with Brain Tumour Awareness Month to help increase knowledge and support for people affected by a High Grade Brain Tumour.


10 children and teenagers are diagnosed with a brain tumour every week in the UK, that's more than one a day. HeadSmart is raising national awareness of the common signs and symptoms of brain tumours in children and teenagers by equipping parents, the public and healthcare professionals with the information they need.

Breast Cancer Support

Breast Cancer Care

Breast Cancer Care is a  support charity for anyone affected by breast cancer. They provide information and offer emotional and practical support to bring people together.

Leukaemia Support

Children’s Cancer and Leukaemia Group

The CCLG is an association of healthcare professionals involved in the treatment and care of children and younger teenagers with cancer and underpins all the activity in paediatric oncology in the British Isles. The provision of information for patients and families is a core activity.

Leukaemia CARE

Leukaemia CARE exists to provide vital care and support to all those whose lives have been affected by leukaemia, lymphoma, myeloma and allied blood disorders. Their work extends to the welfare of patients, their families and carers.

Lung Cancer Support

The Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation

The Roy Castle Lung Cancer Patient Network provides an information and support network for the 40,000 people throughout the UK who are diagnosed with lung cancer  each year.

Lymphoma Support

The Lymphoma Association

The Lymphoma Association provides information and support to anyone affected by lymphoma.

Oesophageal Cancer Support

Ochre Charity

Ochre has been formed to promote awareness of oesophageal cancer amongst the public, professionals, politicians and patients.

Prostate Cancer Support

Prostate Cancer UK

Prostate Cancer UK fights to help more men survive prostate cancer and enjoy a better quality of life. They support men and provide vital information and services. They find answers by funding research into causes and treatments and lead change, raising the profile of the disease and improving care.

Prostate Scotland

There are a network of established support groups in Scotland which are free and open to men living with prostate cancer, their partners, families, friends or carers. The groups meet regularly and offer the opportunity for informal chat and discussion, guest speakers and free literature.

Support for Children and Teenagers

Bullying UK

Provides information and advice to anyone worried about bullying.

Children’s Cancer and Leukaemia Group

The CCLG is an association of healthcare professionals involved in the treatment and care of children and younger teenagers with cancer and underpins all the activity in paediatric oncology in the British Isles. The provision of information for patients and families is a core activity.

CLIC Sargent

Provide a full range of publications and services to support the whole family, including financial support, holidays and activities. Some of their information is available in Punjabi, Bengali and Gujarati.

Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust

Takes young people (up to age 18) recovering from cancer on sailing trips or residential sailing courses.


10 children and teenagers are diagnosed with a brain tumour every week in the UK, that's more than one a day. HeadSmart is raising national awareness of the common signs and symptoms of brain tumours in children and teenagers by equipping parents, the public and healthcare professionals with the information they need.

Jimmy Teens TV

Films made by young people, giving their views on living and coping with cancer.


Provides social, practical and emotional support to brothers, sisters and children of people with cancer.

Teenage Cancer Trust

Teenage Cancer Trust make sure young people don't face cancer alone. They do it by helping young people and their families deal with the many ways that cancer can affect their body, mind and life. They do it in partnership with the NHS and by bringing young people together so they can support each other, and do it from the moment cancer is diagnosed until long after treatment is over.

The Willow Foundation

A national charity offering ‘special days’ for young adults (16-40) with serious illness. They organise and fund the day of your choice, including transport, tickets and accommodation if necessary.

Young Minds

A national organisation which provides information to young people about mental health and wellbeing.

Pancreatic Cancer Action Scotland

Early diagnosis of pancreatic cancer is important because if it can be diagnosed and treated at an early stage, before the tumour has spread or grown too large, then survival rates for patients are significantly better.

Cancer Research UK

Cancer Research UK, the UK's leading charity dedicated to cancer research. The website has a wealth of information about cancer, research, how to donate and more ways to support them.

Macmillan Support Services

Macmillan Cancer Support

Provides information about cancer and its treatments. They also offer support and guidance.

Macmillan @ Glasgow Libraries

If you're affected by cancer you may want to know there's someone you can turn to for help. Someone who can help find answers to your questions, whatever they may be.

If you want to find information, support and practical help or would just like someone to talk to, visit one of the Macmillan Information and Support Services. You can talk through issues and concerns with staff and trained volunteers. 

Maggie's Cancer Caring Centres

Maggie's Centres are there for anyone affected by cancer, including friends, relatives and carers at any stage, they have eight centres across Scotland.

In Glasgow, the centre is based in the grounds of Gartnavel hospital. Qualified expert team includes Benefits Advisors, Cancer Support Specialists and Psychologists who provide psychological, emotional and practical support whenever you need it.

Maggie's is a place to meet other people or simply to sit quietly with a cup of tea, in an oasis of calm. They provide expert guidance and information of benefits, nutrition, cancer treatment and coping with the impact of cancer treatment. They also run a wide range of courses, workshops and support groups. No referral is necessary, just come in.


A charity which runs activity courses for anyone over 18 who have been treated for cancer. The courses include a programme of outdoor challenges with physical, creative or artistic activities.


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