Ward B1

About the ward

Ward B1 specialises in gynaecology, brain and skin.

The ward has 26 beds, made up of: Single bedded rooms, 2 bedded rooms and 4 bedded rooms. The ward is mixed-sex. If you have to share a room you will share with someone of your own gender.

Contact numbers
  • Senior Charge Nurse, Lynsey Watt0141 301 7585 
How to find us

Enter the hospital from the Main entrance. Go through the main reception hall past Aroma Cafe, turn left to the lift hall. Take the lift to the 2nd floor. On leaving the lift go through the double doors and turn left.  Ward B1 is the 1st ward on this floor on your right hand side. 

There is an intercom at the entrance to the ward, if you press the button the receptionist or nursing staff will open the doors to let you into the ward.

Who’ll be looking after you


  • Dr Allan James 
  • Dr Stefan Nowicki 
  • Dr Stefano Schipani 
  • Dr Ashita Waterston 
  • Dr Norma Sidek
  • Dr Yun Yi Tan 
  • Dr Pavlina Spiliopoulou
  • Dr Brendan McCann 
  • Dr Ros Glasspool 
  • Dr Rosie Harrand 
  • Dr Jennifer Brown 
  • Dr Azmat Sadozye
  • Dr Kathyrn Graham 
  • Dr Patricia Roxburgh 
  • Dr Ashleigh Kerr 
  • Dr Barbara Stanley 

 Senior Charge Nurses

  • Lynsey Watt

Deputy Charge Nurse

  • Julie Gittens
  • Lorraine Mackay


Meet the B1 Team

Senior Charge Nurses
Lynsey Watt Lynsey Watt
Deputy Charge Nurse
Julie Gittens Julie Gittens
Lorraine Mackay Lorraine Mackay

Information on other wards

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